This big ad space in Zhongshan Park displayed massive iPad ads for the longest time, after which it was covered by Microsoft Surface ads. Just briefly, it was home to this Coke ad:The ad reads:
hé xíng nán shì yǒu lǎo xiōng shén duì shǒu
和 型 男 室 友 老 兄 神 对 手
yì qǐ fēn xiǎng kě kǒu kě lè
一 起 分 享 可 口 可 乐
(Enjoy Coca-Cola with stylish guys, roomies, old buddies, and arch-rivals.)
Coke is doing something creative with its labels this summer, using Chinese internet slang instead of the name 可口可乐 (Coca-Cola).
with this idea.......i guess many people buy coca-cola not for drink but for what slang would they have .......
Chinese internet slang:
xíng nán
型 男 stylish guys
shì yǒu
室 友 roomies
lǎo xiōng
老 兄 old buddies
shén duì shǒu
神 对 手 arch-rivals (literally means: God-rivals)
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