Monday, August 19, 2013

市井生活 town life in China

these photoes are taken from Chinese daily life  .....

this man...he's laying down on his chair and sleep...........on the street........on the way i go to's morning.......good weather........he's just sleeping on the peaceful

people are playing chess---------chinese chess on the street .......yes....on the street....

these two men..-----rag and bone man

....they are making money by collecting waste paper 

the sign said :"  buyout waste , buyout Appliances "

fèi pǐn shōu gòu ,jiā diàn shōu gòu 
废 品  收 购 ,家  电  收 购

i guess....the grandma is feeding her grandchild......chinese people are used to feeding their children even when they are old enough to feed themselves

wanna know more ?? click here

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