Wednesday, August 14, 2013

一日一词 words and expressions everyday

穷 开 心   qióng kāi xīn
to enjoy oneself despite poverty; to be foolishly happy

“穷开心” is a saying from Shanghainese. “穷” means extremely, so the phrase means to be happy without any event or any reason.


1. 你连像样的工作都没有,就知道穷开心。
Nǐ lián xiàngyàng de gōngzuò dōu méiyǒu , jiù zhīdào qióngkāixīn.
You don’t even have a job but are foolishly happy all the time.

2. 她的乐观、幽默和穷开心,正是她长寿的关键。
Tā de lèguān, yōumò hé qióngkāixīn, zhèngshì tā chángshòu de guānjiàn.
She is optimistic, humorous, and foolishly happy, which are the keys to her longevity.

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