Wednesday, August 14, 2013

one chinese character everyday 一天一字

The original meaning of “囚” was “to imprison,” as it looked like a person who was locked in a prison. It also refers to “people who are imprisoned” and “prisoners.”

meanning:   to imprison, prisoner, to inspect

囚禁:qiújìn/to imprison
囚衣:qiúyī/prison garb
囚室:qiúshì/prison cell
囚车:qiúchē/prison van
1. 他被敌人囚禁了十五年。
Tā bèi dírén qiújìn le shíwǔ nián.
He was imprisoned for 15 years by his enemies.

2. 这几年,监狱里囚犯的数量越来越多。
Zhè jǐnián, jiānyù lǐ qiúfàn de shùliàng yuè lái yuè duō.
These past few years, the number of prisoners is becoming larger and larger.

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