Thursday, August 15, 2013

what kind of ghost you are ?? affix characters---what more vibrant an example than 鬼 guǐ (“ghost; devil”)?


mó guǐ  (“evil devil”) – demon
魔 鬼  
lǎn guǐ   (“lazy devil”) – lazybones
懒 鬼  
jiǔ guǐ   (“alcohol ghost”) – alcoholic; drunkard
酒 鬼  

sè guǐ   (“lust ghost”) – lecher; person who engages in sexual    
色 鬼   
 excess (no exact word for this inEnglish perhaps?)
dǔ guǐ  (“gambling ghost”) – gambling addict
赌 鬼  
sǐ guǐ  (“dead ghost”) – a negative but playful term used
死 鬼  
between spouses

jiàn guǐ  (“see ghost”) – go to Hell!
见 鬼  
xiǎo qì guǐ (“easily angry ghost " or "stingy ghost") -- cheapskate
小 气 鬼   
dǎn xiǎo guǐ   (“small-gut devil”) – coward; chicken
胆  小 鬼   

jī líng guǐ   (“clever ghost”) – clever person
机 灵 鬼   
cuī mìng guǐ  (“prodding ghost”) – someone who keeps pushing
催  命 鬼  
people to do things; a nagger
guǐ zi   (“devil-thing”) – foreign devil (derogatory)
鬼 子 

guǐ lǎo  (“devil old-guy”) – foreigner (usually derogatory)
鬼 佬  
guǐ guài   (“ghost-monster”) – ghosts and monsters
鬼  怪  
guǐ zhī dào  (“ghost knows”) – Heaven knows!
鬼 知 道

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